Annotated Summary

The Ocean Cleanup. (n.d.). Oceans. Retrieved from

This webpage provides comprehensive information on the Ocean Clean Up initiative and the efforts that the team is currently making to keep the oceans clean. The Ocean Clean Up team started the initiative in 2012 intending to find an eco-friendly solution to the world’s water pollution problem. After seven years of research and development, the team was able to create a mechanism that was “autonomous”, “energy neutral” and “scalable”. The system features a simple yet effective design, making use of a net, sea anchor and the natural tide of the ocean. The natural tide and the sea anchor work efficaciously against each other to produce drag, which makes the system move slower than the plastic, and this allows for an effective accumulation of waste. The team behind the Ocean Clean Up initiative has achieved truly remarkable feats and this will inspire my team to aim big and work hard to achieve our goal.

As my team is focusing on improving the current design of the Seabin, the Ocean Clean Up initiative would be able to inspire us to think out of the box. Even though the Ocean Clean Up system has a different method of collection compared to the Seabin, it offers a lot of ideas that we can use in our thought process. One idea that stands out is to incorporate the use of natural forces like the ocean tide to produce its main source of fuel. This would decrease the Seabin’s fuel cost, which in turn would benefit the Seabin team by reducing the total cost of the system operation. By comparing with other products such as the Ocean Clean Up project, the team is able to find the best plan to improve the current Seabin model.



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